Geometry in technologies

From its very conception, geometry underlies a certain technology. Geometry and technology have an ontological relationship, given that according to the symbolic tools that are brought into play, we speak of a certain geometry. Euclidean geometry or analytical geometry are technologies in themselves, which make use of certain artefacts (pencil, paper, ruler, square, computer with a certain software, etc.). These artefacts become instruments as soon as the cognitive activity of the user comes into play. In the case of DMS, the cognitive aspect is closely related to geometric concepts since all the commands allude to geometric elements or relations that correspond to the underlying model selected during the design of the software.

How does the use of the technology used for its construction affect the construction of the geometric concept? What aspects to consider when the translation into a visual image is mediated through a system of dynamic geometry?

In the same way that writing has restructured consciousness and the human mind, generating cognitive operations that were previously undeveloped, new technologies transform subjectivities, capacities and practices. Says Walter Ong: "Most people are surprised, and often annoyed to find out, that in essence, the same objections contested today against computers were.

This are some uses of geomtry with technologies!


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