Importance of Geometry in Education

This subject is reflected in the immediate environment. This means that, by identifying geometric shapes and concepts specific to the subject, students advance in their knowledge of space until they are able to dispense with physical space in order to create conceptualised spaces through the creation of mental images and abstraction.

Furthermore, learning geometry involves recognising it in everyday language. We commonly speak, for example, of parallel streets, spiral staircases, cylindrical elements, among others.

Hand in hand with this, geometry favours the integral learning of other mathematical areas such as algebra and calculus.

  • In view of the above, the teaching of geometry serves the following purposes in early childhood education:

    - It cultivates intelligence and develops new ways of thinking.

    - It fosters and exacerbates creativity and imagination.

    - It facilitates the discovery of experimental answers to mathematical problems and their applicability to the environment.

    - It sharpens the understanding and analysis of concepts and theories from a practical and meaningful perspective.

  • - Creation and development of clear, critical thinking and ideas.

The conclusion about the teaching of geometry lies in its continuing role in everyday life. It is an organised and logical science that not only makes it possible to build, manufacture or play sport, among many other things, but also provides accurate information about our surroundings and thus a better understanding of how they work.

Interesting video!


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