Geometry in Everyday Objects

Small coins, laboratory test tubes, acupuncture needles. Objects that, as they tend to form part of the routine, are perhaps not seen with too much attention. But for the plastic artist Arturo Quintero, behind them, and behind all the things we see every day, is geometry, that branch of mathematics that after high school only refers to squares, rectangles, circles.

The initial idea was to make people understand that geometric art is not just linear and not just about a mathematical formula or figures and surfaces. Really, whatever you do in life you have to do it with geometry. There are artists who refuse to claim that their art is geometric, but, for example, making a free stroke in a rectangular painting is already geometric. You think that everything has been done, but there are actually hidden wefts within the geometry itself, and you discover them. That comes from day to day, from constant research.


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