Geometry in Sports

 Sport has endless geometric possibilities. In any sport or warm-up exercise, both the materials and the facilities needed to carry them out have geometric shapes. For example: the ropes, the hoops, the balls, the rackets and even the shapes that make the lines that delimit the different spaces within the playing field.

What is the relationship between geometry and sport?

They are related to each other because all the sporting spaces we know have a regulatory measure, for example a football pitch has a different length to an indoor football pitch, the same happens with balls that vary in circumference, diameter and weight.

What would happen if geometry were not applied in sport?

We try to imagine what would happen if there were no limits on the size of sports fields and we believe that regulations would be useless as players would do what they thought was good and commit fouls.

In short, all sports fields have a certain shape, there are rectangular or square sports fields and others in the shape of a diamond as in baseball or a circle as in wrestling. In the plays the angles are used a lot, which are necessary for the player to know how he is going to kick the ball for example in a corner kick or a goal kick to obtain good results, the same happens in basketball without realising one uses in the throws strategies that form an angle to put the ball in the opposing backboard.

Here you got a video explaining more about it!


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